An Aspirin a day keeps the doctor away (Ez - ATF)
Band-Aid (Vin, Chris fic - ATF/humor)
Coercion (Chris, Vin, Ezra - ATF)
Dangerous mistake (Vin, Ezra, Chris - ATF)
Differential Diagnosis (Ezra - ATF)
Fumblethumbs (Chris/Vin/Buck/Ezra - ATF/humor)
Head 'em up, move 'em out (Ezra -OW Universe)
Hero worship can come in handy (Chris - OW Universe)
I ain't no horsethief (Vin - OW)
Knives and fiddler's elbows (Vin/Ezra - OW Universe)
Mad ladies' men and undercover agents go out in the midday sun - (Ezra/Buck - ATF)
Outside looking in (Ezra - ATF)
Revenge is sweet (Buck/Ezra/JD - OW Universe)
The Ring - (Ezra/Josiah - ATF)
Rock, paper, scissors (Ezra/Buck/Vin - ATF/humor)
Safari - so goody (Little Ezra AU)
So you think you're a St. Bernard? (Ezra/Vin - ATF)
Sorrow (Ezra/Chris - ATF/Death of minor character)
Stressful day (Chris/Ezra - ATF)
Toothless wonder (Ezra/Buck/Vin/Chris - OW/Humor)
Trappers' tricks (Vin/Ezra - OW Universe)
Truth and friendship (Ezra - OW Universe)
Where I go, trouble surely follows (OW - Ezra/OFC)
White Knights (Seven/OFC - ATF)
Will you mop my fevered brow? - (Buck.Vin - OW Universe)
Wrong place, wrong time (Ezra/Vin - ATF)